During a colonoscopy, the point at where the small intestine mouths into the large intestine is examined. Some questions lead to the lower segment of the small intestine also being examined. The only active part you have during this examination is to clean out your bowels for the planned examination by drinking a solution. You need to pick up the preparatory sac and the consent form in my praxis prior to the examination. So that you don’t have any bad memories of the examination, we offer a procedure with sedo-anaesthesia, which means that during the examination you will be sleeping and possibly be having sweet dreams.
So while you are sleeping, we examine your bowels. We will take samples, remove polyps (= pre-stage tumors) and diagnose other pathological changes, or we will say, “Everything’s great, come again!” After the examination you will be pushed into the observation room, where you will slowly wake up, and as soon as you feel fit you may get dressed again. The samples taken by us are sent to the Laboratory Dr. Kosak, which performs a histological examination.
After the examination an extensive talk will be held with you. The histological results will be sent to you by mail. Also your treating doctor receives a result of the endoscopy as well as the result of the histology. Should you have any further questions, we are available for you and your questions anytime either personally or per telephone.
Important for you:
After the examination in sedation you may not operate a motorized vehicle. You are also not quite presentable. (We need air for the examination)
When should you have a colonoscopy performed?
- diarrhea
- black stool
- phlegm outflow
- flatulence
- pains during stool
- stimulated defecation without being able to expel stool
- light red blood on stool
- irregular stool
- pain in the stomach
- air during urination
- unexplained fever
- iron deficiency
- anemia
- familial colon cancer
- precautionary examination starting at 50 years of age